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Atmos Inspections digitizing ATEX inspections with Smartflow

Smartflow has partnered up with Atmos Inspections to digitize ATEX inspections in an effort to streamline and simplify the inspection process aiming at making it more efficient and effective.

Smartflow has partnered with Atmos Inspections to digitize ATEX inspections to streamline and simplify the inspection process for an increase in efficiency and effectiveness. Both companies put safety at the forefront, and we’ve been working tirelessly to improve the quality of ATEX inspections to reduce the risks of accidents and incidents in hazardous environments. 

Smartflow’s mission has put the workers’ safety at the forefront of all our efforts to digitize fieldwork. Partnering with Atmos inspections has given Smartflow the opportunity to expand and further develop the platform so we can provide a new layer of value to our customers in high-risk industries. By integrating ATEX inspections into our platform, we can provide a comprehensive solution that meets the needs of our customers operating in hazardous environments. 

Atmos ATEX Inspections

High-risk industries that involve hazardous environments pose a high risk to workers’ safety because of their explosive atmospheres. Explosive atmospheres can be caused by a combination of flammable gases, vapors, dust, and air, resulting in explosions or fires if not properly managed.

Atmos Inspections performs highly accurate ATEX inspections designed to ensure that equipment and installations operate safely and comply with the regulations and standards imposed by their government. Regular inspections allow potential hazards to be identified and corrected before they can cause accidents or incidents.

Not conducting regular ATEX inspections can put the workers’ lives at risk, as well as the environmental protection. When a company is non-compliant with ATEX regulations, it can suffer legal and financial penalties, loss of productivity, and a negative company reputation. 

Atmos Inspections offers a wide range of inspection services, including NEN1010, NEN3140, thermographic inspections, ultrasonic testing, and other technical services. 

Atmos Inspections & Smartflow digitizing ATEX inspections

The visionary approach of both companies has led to a partnership that focuses on the ultimate goal of safety and environmental protection. Coming from a need to collect and analyze data in real-time, Atmos inspectors needed a solution to make informed decisions and take corrective action on the spot. 

Improving the quality and safety of ATEX inspections to reduce the risk of accidents and incidents in hazardous environments has been a catalyst for the success of this partnership.

The benefits of digitizing ATEX inspections 

Partnering with Smartflow to digitize ATEX inspections has enabled Atmos Inspections to take advantage of various benefits. 

Atmos Inspections has gained access to a centralized platform for managing inspection data, empowering their inspectors to organize better and access crucial information. Inspectors can easily access inspection checklists, equipment data, and previous inspection reports, all of which reduce the risk of human error and ensure consistency.

Safety at the core of digitizing ATEX inspections

For both companies, the goal was to improve safety by all means. 

Firstly by eliminating paper-based inspections, which pose a risk due to several factors such as:

  1. Human error occurs because of manual data entry and interpretation. Inspectors might miss critical information, misunderstand or misinterpret data, make mistakes when collecting or transcribing results, or misplace or lose the paper forms. 
  2. Delayed and non-transparent communication. Taking corrective actions promptly is crucial in highly hazardous working environments. Delaying that process by any means can lead to serious accidents or incidents. 
  3. Incomplete reports. If, for example, inspectors can’t capture all possible ignition sources or potentially explosive atmospheres due to the limitations posed by the paper form, it can increase the risk of hazards going undetected. 
  4. Limited accessibility. When stored in physical filing systems, paper-based inspections often get lost and damaged and are obviously difficult to access remotely. ATEX inspectors often need to review previous inspection data on-site to make informed decisions. 

By eliminating paper-based inspections, Smartflow reduces the risk of errors, improves communication and collaboration, and focuses on enabling real-time decision-making. 

Final thoughts

The requirements around explosion safety are tightened every year. Smartflow and Atmos Inspections ensure that the system meets the latest requirements and thus complies with the standard. In addition, the system contains numerous smart features that ATMOS and its experienced inspectors will add now and in the future. 

The inspection model created follows three simple steps: Prepare. Execute. Analyse

Together we have started running pilots with other customers to make the platform available for asset owners and inspection companies. 

This partnership will undoubtedly contribute to the overall safety of high-risk industries and will open new opportunities for both parties. 

The solution Smartflow has built is fully scalable over terminals, flexible to adjust, and integrable with other systems, and it supports ATEX, NEC 505, NEC 500, Cenelec, Inmetro, VDE, and IEC. 

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