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Integrated workflows

We integrate our solution into your IT environment.

Using multiple systems to perform a single inspection, is time-consuming and inefficient. Smartflow is your trusted partner when you want to keep all your data safe and protected.


All processes connected

The Open Data Protocol which is an open protocol that allows the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable REST APIs in a simple and standard way.
We support (S)FTP as PDFs, Pictures, XMLs, CSVs.
You can create plugins and webhooks.
It is possible to install direct database access if the developer’s access is permitted.
It is possible to extend functionalities by additional cloud configuration and the integration with cloud services if the developer’s access is permitted.
We use plugins from Auth0 to use Single Sign-On and even SCIM.

All data secured

OWASP 2.0 compliant.
The app is enforcing strong passwords and access keys expire.
We use Auth0 for identity management.
Enterprise users get access to 2FA.
The app database is encrypted (AES-256) and sensitive data is encrypted in users' private keystore.
Plus Cloudflare. Azure. Web application firewall and whitelist or blacklist IP addresses.
Isolated and private database. DB encryption enabling. Hide data for certain users or user groups.

When back online, data is updated automatically through background sync and everyone is notified.

Agile operations for fast growing businesses

Has your business managed to adapt to the changes required as a consequence of the COVID-19 regulations? Reducing operational risks should be a top priority to organizations across all industries. Assuring that critical inspections are automatically shared with the company's right people, so the data is always transmitted to the people in charge would enhance the current collaboration method.

Is performing inspections using MS Excel, MS Word, or Google Sheets, part of the shadow IT landscape?

In this whitepaper, we are going to clear the air by explaining how inspection engineers use these technologies, how they might impact the businesses’ growth and security in the long run, what risks arise across the organisation, and what is the alternative.

When asked about the impact of shadow IT, any IT department will address the security threat that arises for the IT systems. External technology like personal local pc or laptop, or personal cloud environment, that hasn’t gone through rigorous testing is perceived as hard to control.